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Ways of Knowing

Theory of knowledge explores the interplay between what we know (the Areas of Knowledge) and how we know what we know (the Ways of Knowing).  Generally, WOKs work in concert with each other to produce knowledge, both personal and shared.  Often, though, one or two WOKs predominate in our production of knowledge, depending on the AOK.  

Sense Perception
How do our senses help us to produce and assimilate knowledge?
To what extent can we trust our senses?  

Does faith provide us with true knowledge?
Is doubt a part of faith?


Can memory ever be considered shared knowledge?  
Which WOK provides us with the most reliable memories?




How does language shape the way we think?


Does language assist or limit us in our search for knowledge?



What constitues an emotion?
To what extent can we control them?



How do we reason?


What fallacies can arise when reason is not used effectively?


What makes some people more intuitive than others?


How important is intuition in ethical decision making?





Does imagination of what doesn't exist count as knowledge?


Can imagination ever be considered reliable?



Articles & Resources
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